Land of the Living

Just for the record, Lizzy still rules. LOL Don’t know how I stumbled across Theresa Jeane and company but glad I did. Think I’m going through some sort of “regressive self therapy”. Is that a real thing that my brain is remembering or did I just make it up? No, nevermind. Let me tell  you what it’s all about.

For whatever reason, a couple of days weeks ago I decided to listen to one of my all time favorite cd’s from the 90’s, the Crue’s Decade of Decadence. Took me back to when I was managing a record store in Wakefield, Rhode Island. We sold a shitload of them and every night for a week the closing crew (pun intended) and I would put it on. Loud. Once 10:00pm hit and the other stores closed their doors, we’d crank it.

Got to admit, the music from that era, 80’s-90’s, filled me with much energy. Always. And so it makes sense. Now, when I’m building a new TimeLine, that I would pull from the past any/all tools that would enhance probablity for success. You know. In establishing, maintaining and otherwise getting on with a “new” life.

There’s only one tool really that does it for me. One tool that fosters, promulgates, drags and pushes me out of and into another state of mind. And that my friend is my numero uno, Dix Things of Mercibeaucoupness 2 day.

MUSIC. From music stems all my other thanksfuls today. In fact, I can be thankful all darned weekend for years to come with this one. I simply don’t know where to start. There are so many artists, musicians that have traveled with me on my life journey. Witnessed the happy times, the dark times, the lonely times, the hopeful times. They are a part of me. They are me in the sense that I can pull up a mind melody, nod my head to a riff that’s  soundless to others but blaring in my my own brain. I can lay quietly and be soothed knowing there is a resource for comfort, encouragement and humor. It can be found in the do re me……

Deaux. Michael Schenker

Trois. Iron Maiden

Quatre. Bonnie Raitt

Cinq. Metallica

Six. Beethoven

Sept. Vivaldi

Huit. Larry Carlton

Neuf. Jeff Beck

Dix. Jimi!

31 thoughts on “Land of the Living

  1. Michelle Liew March 1, 2014 / 1:19 pm

    Seems that we always need a few flashbacks to help us relax – the regression is always necessary. Thanks for sharing, Denise!


  2. Lizzi R March 1, 2014 / 3:02 pm

    Alors. J’aime ca beaucoup. J’ecoute a toi et ton musique; c’est plus bon.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge March 1, 2014 / 5:56 pm

      J’étais dans un français vivant passé. Dans celui-ci, je serais ravi de parler français de façon fluide mais hélas, il est tout sauf allé 🙂 Merci beaucoup Lizzi pour moi d’écrire dans la plus belle des langues. Il a fait ma journée!
      Mais avez-vous vraiment …. écoutez ma musique? LOL


        • Lizzi R March 1, 2014 / 8:10 pm

          Je triche maintenant. J’ai dû utiliser un outil internet parce que je suis ignorant en langues romanes, même celle du pays voisin. Mais je suis heureux que vous avez apprécié le retour à une ancienne connaissance.

          Et oui, j’ai essayé (et essayé et essayé) de votre musique. Et ceux que vous avez énumérés – certains de ceux que j’aime.


          • GirlieOnTheEdge March 1, 2014 / 9:49 pm

            Moi aussi, j’ai triché mon ami …. J’ai utilisé le google translate! Ceci pour la première fois. C’est cool. Mais vraiment je ne veux apprendre à parler français avant que je meure.
            More than the little I already have forgotten but which was enough to get directions from a bar owner when I was lost in Paris:)


        • Lizzi R March 2, 2014 / 9:23 am

          Dans ce cas, mon cher, vous êtes tout aussi mauvais que je suis, pour J’ai aussi utilisé l’outil de traduire, qui se moque de nous deux (si jamais nous laissons notre secret out) En attendant, je suis absolument avec vous dans le désir de maîtriser une autre langue. Correctement. Avant de mourir.


        • GirlieOnTheEdge March 3, 2014 / 5:24 am

          Rire aux éclats.

          At least that’s what google translate tells me:D


  3. Dyanne Dillon March 1, 2014 / 3:03 pm

    So, so many memories are attached to music. I can hear a song and know exactly what I was doing when it was popular.

    I’m with you on Bonnie Raitt, Vivaldi and Jeff Beck.

    And maybe I’m just slow on the uptake, but you worked in Wakefield, Rhode Island? And Clark’s blog is the Wakefield Doctrine, and he lives in Rhode Island? Is this a coincidence or have I hit on something here?


    • bethteliho March 1, 2014 / 4:17 pm

      Hey we have the same blog theme design! I clicked over here, and for a second I thought I was on my blog! hahah

      Ah yes. Music and the memories and *feels* it conjurs…..


      • GirlieOnTheEdge March 1, 2014 / 6:03 pm

        Yes. The first time I went to yours I felt the same!



    • GirlieOnTheEdge March 1, 2014 / 6:01 pm

      It’s amazing isn’t it? Hear a song – bam! you’re transported to a place, a time or with certain people. I can’t imagine life without music.

      I was so into Bonnie back in the day. Saw her several times in concert. Once in a really small club on Thames St. in Newport (Rhode Island). Very cool.

      You are not slow Dyanne. Not slow at all:)


      • Dyanne Dillon March 1, 2014 / 9:57 pm

        So Lizzi just informed me that I am, indeed, slow on the uptake. Doh!

        I saw Bonnie in concert once. It was fabulous!


        • GirlieOnTheEdge March 2, 2014 / 5:51 am

          I can well imagine Miss Lizzi “informing” you:)

          I still have her first 6 albums or so. Bonnie was a staple for many years:) She’s always had a good band backing her.


        • Lizzi R March 2, 2014 / 9:24 am

          I was nice about it though. Or I tried, at any rate 😉


  4. skipcote March 1, 2014 / 5:25 pm

    Music is so powerful. Im not listening to much these days…I think I may have fallen headlong into fogie-ism…thanks for the reminder …missed you last chat!


    • GirlieOnTheEdge March 1, 2014 / 6:17 pm

      zoe! get your ass outta the fogie-ism. Put some music on. Just for a little bit. Good for the soul.
      Yeah, me too!


  5. Stephanie @ Life, Unexpectedly March 1, 2014 / 5:29 pm

    How cool, you have my two favorite classical composers on your list. Hubby plays the bassoon and Vivaldi’s bassoon concertos are so beautiful (YouTube is playing the E minor one for me right now!!). Metallica is a favorite, too. Managed to experience them live at a music festival the year I graduated from high school, really amazing! I agree, music is such an important part of life..


    • GirlieOnTheEdge March 1, 2014 / 6:21 pm

      I have not heard the bassoon concertos…but I will listen to them now:)
      Metallica is amazing! I also saw them quite some time ago – Jason was still playing bass with them. It was a most excellent concert.
      Music is as important as the air we breath


  6. Lisa @ The Meaning of Me March 2, 2014 / 2:39 pm

    Ah, music is always something to be thankful for in my world! Such a wonderful thing. Have a great week!


    • GirlieOnTheEdge March 2, 2014 / 5:06 pm

      Thanks Lisa! It is a wonderful thing. You have a great week as well:)


  7. jny_jeanpretty March 2, 2014 / 8:19 pm

    You have GOOD music taste. I assume you read Nick Hornby’s book about working in a record shop. GREAT BOOK ! it is obvious to you I have forgotten the name? DUH! BUT I adored it and wrote him a fan letter. they made a movie out of it.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge March 3, 2014 / 5:23 am

      Thanks Jean! Means you do too:) No, I didn’t but now will put it on the list!!


  8. christine March 2, 2014 / 9:29 pm

    When I was growing up, I was always impressed with my dad’s ability to hear a song (We always listened to the “Oldies” when on a road trip.) and know what year it came out. Now that I’m a card-carrying adult, I know his secret. Music is so much a part of memories and experiences, you can’t help but be transported back when hearing certain songs. I’m not so impressed by his ability anymore. 🙂


    • GirlieOnTheEdge March 3, 2014 / 5:30 am

      Ah, the secrets of adulthood. Makes sense now doesn’t it?:)
      You’re so right Christine. Music is the fabric that clothes our lives.
      I find it the most unifying facet among humans. Magical.


  9. findingninee March 3, 2014 / 12:03 am

    You are amazing and I love love love your music. Music is so empowering, and holy crap you speak french too? I took four years in high school and hated it. So um. yeah. Can remember how to say that I’m pissed about not being invited to Pierre’s surprise party.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge March 3, 2014 / 5:36 am

      Damn you are good for my self esteem Kristi. I know from reading your blog that we “like” the same music. Cool.
      Nah. The French? Google translate. I did take French from 1st grade through 2nd year college but never got the conversational hang of it. Unless you use it you loose it. I lost it years ago when I stopped writing a journal. That is where I utilized it most. I would write the first paragraph in French, throw in a word/phrase or two and then done.
      I was telling Lizzi, I feel as if I was French in a past life. Can’t explain it except to say that since I was young enough to remember I had this “thing” about France and the French. I still cry when I hear the French national anthem! It so moves me.

      So? How do you say “I’m pissed about not being invited to Pierre’s surprise party.”??


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