“Add New”. Isn’t that what it’s about?

“Morning. Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge. Got to say, the most beneficial place for me is on the edge. Define edge? Hm…it is that split second of opportunity when time ceases, when consciousness is “expanded” such to allow for the impossible, improbable, “no way!” moments. Clark likes to call it the “cubic centimeter of chance”. It’s when a window opens up. Not really accessible by design, most often comes as a surprise and surely not an everyday experience.

Ahem! Yes, where was I? Clearly, in a contemplative mood. Very. For clarks, “contemplative” comes with the risk of indulgence. We can get lost inside of our heads thinking about the past about the future about the wtf present. New readers, “clark” refers to my personal reality, that of the “outsider”. It is my dominant reality and it is one of 3 personal realities/perspectives we all live in. Check out the Wakefield Doctrine here. You may or may not “get it” but if nothing else, the folks who hang out there are, well, representative of clarks, scotts and rogers! And…it’s kinda fun over there. Learning new things with a twist. And! You just may find it’s the most usefull life tool you have yet to discover.

What brings me out here today, Sunday, is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. You’ve heard of it no doubt as it has been circulating the net for years. Lizzi Lewis. Yes, that Lizzi Lewis gave of herself and offered the bloghop as a vehicle for herself and others to remind ourselves of the goodness and opportunity and friendship in our lives. She offered a vehicle by which to communicate, reach out, identify and otherwise relate to others near and far. Thank you Lizzi!

As Lizzi is a woman on the go, a person in motion, an individual on a quest, she realized the moment when stewardship of her hop, affectionately dubbed the TToT, should be passed to someone else. Enter side stage center, Josie Two Shoes, Wendy. She accepted the privlege and enables anyone willing, to join in and share of themselves joys, sorrows, delights, achievements, failures, wonders, success, hope fors and all manner of thankfulness. Thank you Wendy. So if you’ve a mind to, join in.

1.  Rainy day? Yeah, I’m thankful. It’s another day.

2.  Coffee. Sure, listed this before but you know what? I have a new appreciation for it. Friday night after work, I went to the store to buy coffee. Believe it or not, I was basically out of coffee (I know! how could I let that happen!). I had enough for 1 cup of whybotherit’ssoweak for the next day. Well, I left the store with everything but coffee. O. M. G. Yesterday morning I was exhausted and had nothing to jolt me to consciousness. None of the black gold, no go-go juice for me. It was an awful, haze day for sure! But I got through it. None of the things that might have irritated me had I been caffeinated bothered me. Score.

3.  Music! As shared by others. Thanks, Clark for posting the Jimi vid, Rainy Day Dream Away. Perfect.

4.  I must echo the thankful for the internet. Well, acutally, thankful for access to the internet. Hell-oo Heaven at a clark’s fingertips. Bliss achieved in every byte uploaded, information 24/7 😀

5.  Encouragement by participation. It’s funny how when you’re not even looking, when you are genuinely engaged with the world, you find all sorts of encouragement, sometimes when you didn’t even realize you needed it.

6.  Carlos Castaneda’s first 4 (maybe the 5th book) of his Don Juan series.

7.  Dogs.

8.  Flowers from Columbia. They are rainbow bunches of smiles 🙂

9.  Curiosity. This one is both a thankful and a hypo-thankful!

10. See item #1. This day is my giftchallengeopportunity. This day is my responsibility.

<p><a href=”https://vimeo.com/55844107″>Casino Christmas Sunset</a> from <a href=”https://vimeo.com/meanadvantage”>Mean Advantage Productions</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>


25 thoughts on ““Add New”. Isn’t that what it’s about?

  1. Josie Two Shoes January 28, 2018 / 12:36 pm

    I really like that you took the time to explain the “on the edge” thing a bit. Yes, it is where the best stuff happens! The whole attitude of your list today is one of grateful acceptance and appreciation for what you have and what is, I like that. I tend to do too much grumbling and it’s a reminder to be at peace with my life. Rainy days are wonderful if we can curl up and relax with a book or keyboard, or go out and splash in puddles.

    While I can’t drink coffee, because I am allergic to it and won’t stay down, I have the same issue with my morning mug of iced tea. If we’ve run out or there is only a small cup left, the morning just doesn’t feel right, I don’t feel re-energized. But as you note, it does tend to leave me calmer and less jittery. Gotta have some later in the day though or I’m certain to get a headache. There was a time in my life when I did no caffeine, and I know it is the better way.

    Music is the heartbeat of the soul! Clark shares some wonderful things, and everything we can think of or remember we can find in the Internet… how incredible that is to us oldies who remember transistor radio music. 🙂 Access to the Internet is probably in my top ten blessings every week, or should be. I will never cease to be amazed or delighted that anything and everything we want to know (and sometimes didn’t want to) is available to us, along with anything we need. Most importantly, it’s given us a way to connect members of our tribe scattered near and far!

    I think encouragement by participation is the heart of the TToT. No matter how half-assed I feel, when I begin to write my post I start feeling better, and I’m always smiling by the finish. Then I post it up and go to read what other have shared and I am soon feeling so good about life in general! Nothing makes me happier than when good things happen to other people, and I also find that positivity is so contagious. If someone is positive about the events in their life it improves my perspective of my own!

    I had to smile at your mention of Carlos Castaneda and the Don Juan series. I remember reading them with my first husband during our college years, many years ago.

    Dogs (and cats of course), gotta love ’em. They are the epitomy of unconditional love, loyalty and enthusiasm for life!

    Flowers, especially in bright colors, is there anything that can generate smiles so quickly?!

    Curiosity, as both an Aquarian, and a Clark, it is a given to my nature, especially when it comes to people. I will happily ask questions for hours, if someone indulges me. 🙂 Though as you note, it can also lead to headache and heartache.

    #10 – Yes! Seize the day! Don’t waste it, don’t use it carelessly, live by intention! I am trying harder to do that! Thank you for a great TToT, I appreciate you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge January 28, 2018 / 8:51 pm

      I have a little add-on to the saying “it is what it is” I try and remind myself when I get to grumbling….”it is what it is until it isn’t!” 😀
      I wish today was a stay inside and read day but alas I went out into the day. Reward? I bought a nice little jean jacket that fits me perfectly and it was only $15. That was worth a couple of hours of reading (I think lol)
      Oh, no. Allergic? That’s awful but at least you have a tea subsitute. I enjoy an occaisional cup of tea but coffee is the caffeine choice for me. Oh yes. The headache. Had an awful one yesterday until I juiced up in the afternoon. I didn’t think caffeine withdrawal would be that great with tea but then again…
      You’re so right Wendy. Being able to communicate across the globe, the country, the state, the fact we can be in touch instantly it seems is a huge advantage of the internet.
      I’m glad you are always smiling when you finish! That’s how we all should be. I appreciate your always thoughtful and encouraging comments 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. MindOverMeta January 28, 2018 / 3:38 pm

    I wish I could drink coffee sometimes. I would certainly give me some “pep” in the morning, but I just can’t stomach it! Dogs and music, however, are some of life’s best pleasures! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge January 28, 2018 / 6:37 pm

      To be honest, it took me a while in college to “learn” to like coffee lol
      I totally agree 🙂


  3. Kristi January 28, 2018 / 5:49 pm

    Hey! I recognize the location of that video–Catalina Island, off the California coast! The music is as lovely as the locale!

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge January 28, 2018 / 6:21 pm

      Really?! Cool 🙂
      A serendipitous find. Yes, yes it is lovely 😀


  4. 15andmeowing January 28, 2018 / 10:40 pm

    Great list of thankfuls. I am also thankful for coffee. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sageleaf January 28, 2018 / 10:48 pm

    Your list of thankfuls makes me smile. I’m listening to the video as I type this. Very nice! Happy new week to you, but I am glad you wrote up this here post. Castaneda, the Doctrine, Josie Two Shoes, yes…even coffee (though I drink it not) – I’m sure you’ve got some in the house now, yes? 😉 Sending you hugs and wishes for a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge January 29, 2018 / 2:33 pm

      I’m glad to be able to bring a smile to your already smiling face 🙂
      My pleasure.
      Oh yes. Bought 2 bags lol I’ll never run out again!
      Have a wonderful new week your own self Cynthia and take some return hugs!!


  6. May January 29, 2018 / 1:09 am

    I think we all need one of the days in the haze from time to time. It seems to me to be nature’s way of buying us recuperation time. I hope that is how it worked for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. valj2750 January 29, 2018 / 8:44 am

    You wouldn’t even want to say hello to me without my morning cup of coffee. I get the Clark thing of going to the store to buy coffee and coming home with everything but. It’s the mind wandering experience of being in the grocery store. Who but a Clark knows but a Clark what happens between the pile of avocados in the produce aisle and the aisle that sells pasta sauce in the jar. Livin’ on the edge.

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge January 31, 2018 / 10:55 pm

      lol Reminds of several people I know but somehow Val, I can’t imagine you like that 😀
      Oh, I was wandering that night. Decided since I was there, I’d get the shopping for the week out of the way. Never a good idea to wing it!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. herheadache January 30, 2018 / 3:06 pm

    The Internet is amazing and we now take it for granted I think. Some places aren’t so lucky to have access to all this.

    The WTF present…haha. I’m right there with you on that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge January 31, 2018 / 11:18 pm

      Yeah, I think at times we’ve all taken it for granted. Especially when the power goes out, then we realize just how much a part of daily life, part of ourselves, the internet and access to it has become.


      Liked by 1 person

      • herheadache January 31, 2018 / 11:22 pm

        16-year-old me would never have believed how much I would rely on the Internet in the years to come. She would have been shocked actually.


        • GirlieOnTheEdge February 1, 2018 / 9:18 pm

          Scary, isn’t lol
          I’ve had a computer since the mid 90’s but I don’t really think I appreciated the internet fully until the early 2000’s. The simple, everyday ability to talk with people half way around the world using a computer as if they were standing next to you, just blows me away.

          Liked by 1 person

  9. dyannedillon January 30, 2018 / 10:09 pm

    Change “coffee” to “diet Coke” and that’s me.

    You are spot on about participation in the TToT! I started posting with the very first TToT back in, what, 2011? 2012? And each week, as I went about my business, my next list was never far from my mind. It really does shape how you feel about life when you’re on the lookout for what is right and good.

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge January 31, 2018 / 11:21 pm

      There ya go! Caffeine is caffeine, right?!

      I could not have said it better Dyanne. Good to see you 🙂


  10. Pat B February 1, 2018 / 5:49 am

    My favorites of your 10 are #3, #5, #7, #9, and #10. The video at the end is a great way to end your post. Beautiful.
    While I don’t necessarily enjoy walking and driving in pouring down rain when it is cold, I do like watching it. It always amazes me at how much water can fall from the sky! How quickly the weather can change within minutes is something to behold also.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge February 1, 2018 / 9:24 pm

      Thank you so much Pat.
      Watching is the preferred activity when it comes to rain for sure! Weather is truly awe inspiring, no doubt. Having lived in Florida, I have seen the sky go from sunny to cloudy to incredibly frightening in very short order.


  11. Kristi Campbell February 3, 2018 / 8:28 pm

    I like the “add new” in the title. Adding new IS so much what it’s all about… and the whole cubic centimeter of chance… I spend way too much time contemplating the past, future, and the now. Also? I think coffee, dogs, curiosity and music are allowed to make the list every week. Especially really good music. We listened to really good music together once, in the car. That was amazing.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge February 3, 2018 / 9:47 pm

      Thanks Kristi. My challenge lately. What the hell in the way of new can I contribute?
      Oh yeah, every week for those things. Every week 😀
      Yes, yes we did! The universe is not complete without…Metallica.


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