It’s Thursday’s Six Sentence Story Link Up!

Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge and another edition of Six Sentence Stories!
Getting a jump start on tomorrow’s post (today is Tuesday right?) Abracadabra and jiminyjam, here it is Wednesday morning without a blink of an eye. To speak of the fleet passage of time, or if you’re so inclined, our perception of its passage, is redundant. We are well aware of it. However, (feel free to jump in on this next line!) what is never redundant is extending the invitation to join in Thursday’s Six Sentence Story Blog Hop! Who of us doesn’t enjoy the challenge of writing a story, employing the use of a specific prompt word, in no more and no less than 6 sentences!  Long sentences, short sentences. The number exact, genre at your pleasure. Tell us a story, puzzle us with mystery, humor us with anecdote, tantalize with adventure and intrigue, share the next anticipated next scene or sooth our souls with poetry. 6 sentences. Yes, Virginia, big things do come in small packages.

Rules of the hop:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word.
Link the URL to your post via the blue “Click here to enter” button below.
Link is live Wednesday 6:00 PM, ends way late Saturday night!
Spread the word and put in a good one to your fellow writers 😀


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter quickly and you will never write well; write well, and you will soon write quickly.”
– Marcus Fabius Quntilianus 

One thought on “It’s Thursday’s Six Sentence Story Link Up!

  1. utahan15 June 12, 2024 / 7:35 am

    if i stand too fast

    i will pass off out


    light headed

    and heart


    Liked by 2 people

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