Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word Prompt!

Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge and Sunday’s prompt word reveal for Six Sentence Stories!
I don’t believe I shall ever cease completely the desire, urge, necessity to “mix it up”. Ingrained in my nature. Oh, the cogs may need some grease from time to time, yet the fact remains – I insist on disrupting the “machine”. And so, I write our intro for the Thursday Six Sentence Story Blog Hop prompt word reveal, without first having found a quote pertaining to writing – the process of, joys of. Yes, without question, writing may be a (insert prompt word here) at times however, as we very well know from experience, there are those moments when words and sentences begin pouring forth at a rate such we worry our fingers may be too slow to capture them. Often, writing the Sunday post, my words would be inspired by the chosen quote. But not today. Today, the invitation comes first, to take the prompt word below, use it in a flash fiction story, a poem or perhaps the next scene in your wip written in exactly 6 sentences then return here, to the ‘Edge, later in the week to show it off.  What say you? Up for the …. ?!

Rules of the hop:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word.
Link up at Wednesday’s post. Link goes live at 6:00 pm through Saturday late…
Spread the word and put in a good one to your fellow writers.


A story matrix connects all of us. There are rules, processes, and circles of responsibility in this world. And the story begins exactly where it is supposed to begin. We cannot skip any part.” – Joy Harjo, Crazy Brave

15 thoughts on “Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word Prompt!

  1. clark December 17, 2023 / 10:45 am

    way to meta the Six Sentence Story prompt word reveal, yo


    Liked by 2 people

  2. utahan15 December 17, 2023 / 2:40 pm

    addled i came
    still all the same
    do i have anyone else to blame
    save myself
    the challenge
    is to dare to care and share ah so!

    Liked by 2 people

    • GirlieOnTheEdge December 17, 2023 / 5:32 pm

      no matter the state
      we stand where we do
      blame is not the game
      and neither is oh, boo-hoo
      the challenge is
      accept the dare and others beware!

      Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge December 17, 2023 / 5:41 pm

      Thank you, Tom!
      It is indeed and for your welcome demonstration of enthusiasm
      why, I believe you should write 2 Sixes this week! 🤣

      What say you my fellow Sixarians?!
      Two from Tom?!

      …the quiet chant grows louder….2 from Tom, 2 from Tom…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. D. Avery @shiftnshake December 18, 2023 / 11:43 am

    When we made it back home, over those curved roads that wind through the city of peace, we stopped at the doorway of dusk as it opened to our homelands. We gave thanks for the story, for all parts of the story, because it was by the light of those challenges we knew ourselves.
    Poem by Joy Harjo, from Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings.

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge December 18, 2023 / 7:43 pm

      I love this “…we stopped at the doorway of dusk as it opened to our homelands.”
      A beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it, D. I only just discovered Ms. Harjo this past weekend.


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