Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word Prompt!

Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge and Sunday’s prompt word reveal for Six Sentence Stories!
Sheesh. I look at the clock, shocked the big and little hands are pointing to the numbers they are and ask myself – how is this possible! The answer (today, lol) is I found myself on a journey of distractions leading me to Google search Albert and his theory regarding the conundrum that is time. Which led me (why the heck not) to an NPR article with audio from an old Science Friday, link here, if so inclined. But don’t blame me if it sends you off down the information path, gathering the, “hey, didn’t know that”, “really?!”, “I don’t know if I believe that one but perhaps…” and you suddenly find yourself wondering where you know what went! Yet, doesn’t storytelling emanate from a place of timelessness? A story, or poem may be of the present or the past or the future. Time and place is in our hands to shape and mold. What do you say we pull out the word clay and form a story or poem or new scene from a serial story and link them later this week for Six Sentence Stories. Meet you in the sandbox.

Rules of the hop:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word.
Link up at Wednesday’s post. Link goes live at 6:00 pm through Saturday late…
Spread the word and put in a good one to your fellow writers 😀


It’s so important for me, finding the precise word that will create a feeling or describe a situation. I’m very picky about that because it’s the only material we have: words. But they are free. No matter how many syllables they have: free! You can use as many as you want, forever.” – Isabel Allende

7 thoughts on “Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word Prompt!

  1. UP August 1, 2021 / 1:32 pm

    Big fan of Isabel Allende here and net has possibilities

    Liked by 2 people

    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 1, 2021 / 1:38 pm

      I’m not familiar with her work, Paul. Can you recommend one to read?
      Agree “net” has many possibilities 😀


  2. Chris Hall August 2, 2021 / 5:15 am

    I love Isabel Allende, too! She has written soooo many wonderful books! Her earlier novels are firmly footed in magical realism, the most recent are historical, largely based on true events. She’s also written memoirs which I haven’t been so keen on. She’s written a murder mystery, a sensual cookery book and a YA trilogy set in the Amazon rainforest. How can I recommend just one? But why not start at the beginning with The House of the Spirits – classic, brilliant MR.

    Now I’ll leave you and go cast my NET!

    Liked by 1 person

    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 2, 2021 / 6:08 am

      Her name rang a bell, but as I said to Paul, I’m unfamiliar with her work. I appreciate you suggesting the book, Chris. Just ordered it from the library 🙂 I’m certain I’ve seen the term “magical realism” but took it for granted it was probably another term for fantasy so of course (when I should be getting ready for work), I googled it, lol. Not so. I look forward to reading The House of Spirits. Other than when I took a stab at reading Hemingway, the last books to come to mind I can remember reading were from Orson Scott Card’s trilogy, the Formic Wars.

      May your haul be bountiful!

      Liked by 1 person

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