If it’s the last thing I do at the Edge, I’ll FTSF…

Thank you.  Thank you ladies, and you in particular Janine, for another FTSF.  This is only the second time I’ve participated in the blog hop that is famously known as FTSF.  I was determined to get mine in early (Thursday night? No, not that early LOL).  Of course early is subjective.  Here I am at…6:28 am. I am ready- to- write. (coffee? where is my coffee?!)  The question is:  when will I complete this post?

The sentence to finish this week, as per our estimable Hosti: Janine, Dawn, Kate, and Stephanie, is:  “My favorite movie of all time is….”

But what an impossible question for a clark to answer!  I mean, it depends.  It depends on what mood I’m in.  I can tell you this:  I don’t like movies that are sad, where people die, leave children and spouses and oh, man isn’t that so awful, look at how they deal with the shit life gave them kind of movies (crying movies, the “tearjerkers”).  For some reason, Terms of Endearment and Steel Magnolias come to mind.  Never saw these movies.  Never will.  I will leave these types of movies to the rogers for them to comment on how strong everyone turned out to be, after they showed their human frailties, overcame life challenges and such.  Get me?

As a clarklike female, the movies I’m attracted to run the gamut.  Often they are considered (by rogers) to be offbeat.  Or violent.  Or too…girlie. (why yes, I do enjoy a good rom-com with happy endings).  I’m all about happy, just take that bad guys, endings.  I do not disqualify any film on the grounds it is not “realistic”.   It’s the movies man!  Anything can happen, anything can be achieved, dreams can come true.     

clarks, as a group, have difficulty committing to a single favorite movie because the concept of singularity is foreign.  As recently discussed at the Wakefield Doctrine, the worldview of clarks consists of an infinite number of possibilities.  Always.  All the time.  We do not think in traditional finite terms.  You know, like scotts and rogers.

Ask a clark to be succinct, ask a clark to choose a single thing and you instantly pose an internal conundrum.  We are all up inside are heads as they say.  Unlike the here and now scotts and the emotionally enveloped rogers, for us to name a singular, favorite anything is conditioned by the moment.  Difficult to describe.    

Alphabet anyone?  That’s right.  Just like a clark to ignore the rules, not do a thing like everyone else, like you are supposed to (clark).  And you wonder why you never fit in?  Why you are always the outsider?  We make ourselves outsiders.  Stop it, dammit!  LOL  But not today.  Today, alphabetically, are some of my favorite movies of all time:)  

A’s:  Above the Law, Angel Heart, Annie Hall
B’s:  Back to the Future, Bloodsport
C’s:  Casablanca, Collateral, Christmas Vacation, Casino
D’s:  Desperado, Day the Earth Stood Still (original), Dogma
E’s:   Enter the Dragon,  
F’s:  Field of Dreams, Fight Club, From Dusk til Dawn
G’s: Godfather (when I finally see it), Gone with the Wind (because of Clark Gable)
H’s:  Harold and Maude, Heat, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (yes, the original with Mr. Legosi narrating)

Geez, this is taxing my brain and look at the time!  I am now 3+ hours past my self-imposed deadline!  Never mind what happened, quick!  How many other favorites?….It’s a Wonderful Life (believe it or not, some rogers don’t get it), Lethal Weapon (all of em, why not), Pulp Fiction, Reservior Dogs, Road Warrior, Scrooged, Slacker, Sleepless in Seattle, Terminator, When Harry Met Sally, any martial arts movie with Jet Li (yes, including the “foreign” ones. rogers aren’t inclined, in general, to watching films they have “to read”.  scotts either) 

Man, this is one long assed FTSF that didn’t have to be.  I made it this way. I made it more complicated than it had to be.  Why?!  Never mind that now.  Here is the post I might have/could have submitted:

Thank you.  Thank you ladies, and you in particular Janine, for another FTSF.  This is only the second time I’ve participated in the blog hop that is so famously known as FTSF.  I was determined to get mine in early (Thursday night? No, not that early LOL).  Of course early is subjective.  Here I am at…6:28 am. I am ready- to- write. (coffee? where is my coffee?!)  The question is:  when will I complete this post?

The sentence to finish, as per our estimable Hosti: Janine, Dawn, Kate, Stephanie, this week is:  “My favorite movie of all time is….”  I have no singular favorite movie of all time.  There are too many variables to consider.  There is no single film I can name that can encompass all that which goes into why a movie is one of my all time favorites.  

Evolution (yeah, that wasn’t bad. David Duchovney is in it and he’s one of my favorite actors, yes a clark) is a continual process (self-evolution/development to be precise).  To make a statment relating to “all time” would limit myself to a point in the past, or a moment in the present and ignore all that might be…  I would have to qualify “favorite”.  I cannot!

The reason I’m still writing is because the counter says I’m over 800 words!!  Eegads, I don’t think I’ve ever written a post with that many words.  If anyone is still reading, this ends with a trailor from one of my all time favorite movies.  btw, I promise never to write such a long ass post again. LOL