A few thankfuls and gratefuls at the Edge. It’s a TToT

Hey there. Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge’s Sunday edition for the Josie Two Shoes hosted, Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. A beautius day, all sunshiny and such. Not quite as nice as yesterday but I’ll take it! There is no snow on the ground and that in and of itself is worth all 10 thankfuls 😀

Every time I attempt to write a TToT, I remember how, earlier in the week, I’ve told myself “remember that! it would be great for the TToT post“. Because I fully intend each week to post one. More often than not however, I don’t. What is it that gets in the way? What or who is eating my time??

Which brings me to my latest “trick” in my attempt to utilize my time…better. It is the “meditation” on time as an ocean. Fluid. Nonlinear. Each morning I lie flat on the floor to do my version of meditation and to stretch. It is a time to set my intentions for the day. And at the beginning, I simulate slowly, fluidly, the motion of doing the back stroke upon a vast and buoyant ocean. (Only with my arms, elsewhile there might be some knocking on my door wondering what all the noise is about!)

But back to the task at hand. Thankful, grateful and otherwise glad of? Lessee….

1  The lovely Grace Potter. She is mistress of the art of dancing to her own rhythm. Within a rhythm.

the Wakefield Doctrine. Of course.

3  The snow that fell last weekend disappeared last weekend. The snow that fell this past Friday, it disappeared too!

4  For morning rituals and greetings and keeping in touch with people regardless of how much geography lies between us.

5 & 6  It’s blatantly apparent I have not practiced inserting photos into posts or anything else with regards to mastering the art of the edit. The photo on the left is from earlier in the week. I had just parked my car at work. I was looking straight ahead, clear blue sky, left leaning and overarching winter stick branches hanging like a half moon in the foreground. But look, there, in the distance, a little to the right of 12 o’clock in the bare stick trees, there on an upper branch. Look closely. You will see 2 large (they were very large in real life!) birds perched, side by side enjoying the early morning together. In the few minutes I sat in my car watching them, they never moved. In fact, I managed to take several photos of them, got out of my car and still they sat, bird’s eye viewing it all.

To the right of that picture (for no other reason than it’s late! and I can’t figure out how to insert pictures!) is a picture I snapped while driving to the gym last Saturday morning, in the early part of our snow event. Overcast graywhite clouds suspended, tiny snowflakes insistently falling. It felt good to go out “in the weather” 🙂 As much as it begged for me to crawl back under the covers, I embraced the weather and the world.







7  The SBOR/SBOR! because it allows me to publish as is, without 10 thankfuls, and come back! That’s right. Come back later in the day with more thankfuls. Surely, as I venture out into crazylastminutechristmasshoppingpeoplearedrivinglikemaniacs I will have #’s 8, 9 and 10 😀  So. Anyone going to bet on me finishing my Christmas shopping today? 😀