Thank you Liila. I Am “Just a Girl”

Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge. The real first line that came to mind this morning? “Well fuck me!” Not in the literal sense of course, but in that “holy shit, you’ve got to be fucking me, no way in hell” kinda way.

Nasty intro I know but guess what? Sometimes life is “nasty”. Sometimes a “wake up call” or the “light going off” or the “just for a split second” happens and well, you react. Like I did a few minutes ago.

What happened? I’m sitting on the bed looking at the clock. 6:09 am. I’m telling myself I can get out of here by 6:30. The Pope’s in town and traffic is supposed to be a bear. I fire up the way back machine and as is my morning habit, I write my words. They were “heavy” today. Infused with the intent of living a life that is not this one, that is more the other one. You know, the one I almost had, the woulda, coulda, shoulda had. The one I’m living right now on a parallel timeline.

Fine and dandy. This morning’s words were about intentions, will. I insist therefore I am, ya know? I close out and open the Google. 1st up is e-mail. Only 2 waiting for me. It was the second that dropped me. Seems someone repinned one of my posts. Liila repinned I’m Just a Girl.

Trust me when I say the significance of this e-mail sitting in my in box this morning is by no means a fluke. No…nosir. Magic, coincidence, synchronicity, a “sign” – whatever name you attach to events that illicit an immediate “holy shit”, in the gut response, ya better run with it people. Run.

As I must now. Today is the only day my friends. The only one that counts. Don’t waste it. Embrace it.



“The chairs are on the table” Girlie….

(tap, tap, tap… mic on?) Ahem….Good day. Or evening depending on your locale. I’ve been on brief “hiatus” from GirlieOnTheEdge.  It’s been over a month since my last posting but as we all know, life has a way of interfering with, well, life.

A few readers have stopped by these past weeks and to those readers I say “thank you”. I will admit to a couple of days here or there with a big fat ZERO for stats.  But, it pleases me that most days there’s been evidence of a few (or one) die hard fans:)

So, what’s been going on?” Well, lots and not. For a long time. Of late there’s been a surge in, shall we say, cosmic persuasion on the part of your Hostess at the Edge. The evidence is clear, irrefutable in my opinion, that I’ve been accorded intervention by one supreme, if not knarly feline, whose name and likeness appears among the archives of this blog.

I begin a journey tomorrow. It will be both physical and meta-phorical/physical. I will be driving 800+ miles north of my home these last 10+ years.  I will travel from my sleepy little beach town to our nation’s capitol.  After that? Don’t know.  My man and Zoey will be holding down the fort for awhile. Then time will tell.

I will post again regularly at GirlieOnTheEdge very soon and hope that you will join me once again.

In light of recent events, I am pleased to announce the launch of a separate blog site, in addition to GirlieOnTheEdge. May I present you the link to the maiden post of tube tops, tattoos and TimeLines.

Take it Johnny….