B-4 the TToT and Before the real Sex and the City there was GirlieOnTheEdge

scanIn 1993 I moved to Northern Virginia.  I went from working as the manager of a music store to working in the civil division of a large county courthouse.  Talk about end of spectrums (no, I did not say speculum!)  This picture shows me and the wonderful young women who befriended me.  Who invited me into their circle.  It was a good circle.  A warm circle.  A fun circle.  Little did I know at the time, we were soon to be branded, by the powers that be, as “troublemakers”. One could ask: did it have anything to do with little ole quiet moi? LOL

It was “Miranda’s” birthday.  To celebrate we drove (I was behind the wheel for this particular escapade down one way streets!) into DC to have dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. Then it was off to the 9:30 Club or was it the Black Cat?  At least that was the plan.  You wouldn’t believe where we wound up.  All I can say is that it was one of those establishments on the wrong side of town, where your parents forbid you from ever going…  It was the best of times:)

If I named these women by their SATC names, FOTDs (Friends of the Doctrine) would know who was the clark, scott and roger?  Can you guess by looking at the pic?  Clark!  You have to wait before spoiling it for everyone!  I’ll give everyone the first.  I’m on the far right.  In the green shirt and what? are those suspenders?  Why yes, yes they are.  Attached to lovely black, pleated, and most importantly, cuffed pants.  Since you know I’m a clark, I’ll let you imagine the footwear.

This, my virtual friends, is my very first TToT post. (sigh)  I know it’s late in the weekend but that doesn’t matter.  What matters is that I try.  And try I will.  The Hop’s not over til it’s over….(fumble, trip…swearing…now…..think I’m ready….) I feel compelled to qualify my “10 Things” first by saying God forbid they necessarily be in order of importance!  2nd – I’m feeling “funny” doing this and 3rd….hey, wait a minute! this is supposed to be fun!  This is supposed to be a learning experience and God knows clarks love to learn new things.  Throw away the fear…clark.

  1. I’m thankful for whoever, whatever got me to hit the publish button on this.  There are a few who have encouraged me to join in the fun.  Invited me into the “group”.  But it’s you Christine I’m thanking this morning.  Thanks for being my “Charlotte” =D
  2. Technology.  More specifically my computer.  Even more specifically, still being able to pay the “internet bill”!  Otherwise I’d be woefully lacking in the inspiration and encouragement I feel every time I visit someone’s blog.  Every time I share with a person I don’t know, but do, on the FB.
  3. Don’t know why it’s 3rd but if you’d read the disclaimer above….I’m thankful for the Wakefield Doctrine.  Shit damn if it isn’t my tool of tools for navigating life. (so where’s my Doctrine U sweatshirt huh, Clark LOL)
  4. Zoey.  Our black lab.  Who’s been single going on 3 yrs but hasn’t complained. (we told her she shouldn’t rush into a 2nd marriage)
  5. Knock on wood, my health.  Geez.  Loser that I am this is listed as number 5.  But isn’t that a “good” number?  A “lucky” number?
  6. That my rogerian “partner in crime” is so committed to teaching me all the boring music theory I begged him to teach me!  He hasn’t given up and I know he won’t.
  7. Music.  Without it, where would we be?
  8. Books.  Without them how could we be?
  9. Films.  Without them, who knows how far we can see?

10th but not least.  The ever widening group of creative and talented men and women who have befriended me and invited me into their circle.  Thank you.

25 thoughts on “B-4 the TToT and Before the real Sex and the City there was GirlieOnTheEdge

  1. pictimilitude August 4, 2013 / 9:59 am

    Likin’ the list here a lot! LOL – you’re more into the music thing than I am but I can soooooo see why you appreciate it. If I wasn’t a hopeless artist, haha, I’d do the music thing, too. 😉 I love books and the WD and yeah, Clark needs to get out more of those sweatshirts, lol.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 4, 2013 / 3:59 pm

      You be a sister! We are drawn to the arts in general….yes, more sweatshirts!
      Now didn’t I hear the rumor that Miss Cyndi was starting a music hour at school this fall? She’s bringing her guitar and singing Spanish songs? =D


  2. zoe August 4, 2013 / 10:01 am

    As a TToT virgin I feel your pain…its not easy at first but then …what a fun group of people, yes??? I love the conversational quality of the whole thing. Also the ability to drown in my clarkisms…with what I suspect may be a rogerian twist.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 4, 2013 / 4:04 pm

      Helps me to know I’m not alone in my misery LOL. Oh yes Zoe, they are a fun group indeed. And a little intimidating at times. That being said, I’m going to try and make this TToT a regular thing.
      Ah, I love when the clarks visit me:) Takes pressure off right away!
      Am I hearing you say your secondary aspect is rogerian? Cool.
      Thank you for stopping by today =D


  3. Lizzi Rogers August 4, 2013 / 12:16 pm

    Your first is a WONDERFUL list. Well done ‘Charlotte’.

    Girlie, so very glad to see you here. You will find quite rapidly (I hope) that the clark finds connection with other kindred spirits and is warmly invited to ‘stay and play’. You’ve set a precedent now, m’dear!

    Music is a large feature for me, too (you know this) and I’m impressed to hear that you’re making the time and applying yourself to learning the theory. I guess it helps to have a great teacher though, right?

    And don’t worry about the joining on the Sunday – that’s why we’re open all weekend – to allow precisely this 😀 I love that you did it anyway.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 4, 2013 / 4:11 pm

      Why thank you Lizzi! No pressure from you today or anything…..lol
      About the music theory stuff – here’s the thing. I’m being instructed by a roger and as such I’m always reminding my honey that my brain is wired differently from his. Sometimes he just goes off on what to me begins to sound like…math! You know, we clarks hate the math!!

      Thanks again for the invite and welcome:)


      • Lizzi Rogers August 4, 2013 / 5:30 pm

        Oh but DO we, my dear! I don’t *get* math – I stuggle to count beyond ten unless I’m wearing open-toed shoes, but I *adore* it.

        It can be so elegant, like the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio and they way they’re found in so much natural beauty (the spiralling of sunflower seeds, of leaves around a stem, in a nautilus shell, in the proportions between facial features in people…) it’s staggering!

        I also love SO much the way it applies so perfectly to engineering. One of the most profound experiences I had was to travel on the world’s only sea-going paddle-steamer, The Waverley. My dad took me and we hurried on and downstairs to the balcony overlooking the engine. We watched it start, and slowly, almost imperceptibly, these hugantic, ginormic pieces of polished metal, and these tiny, most intricate works of art in cast iron began moving, then increased in speed until they were flying along with *SUCH* force and absolute precision….my heart was soaring to watch it.


        • GirlieOnTheEdge August 4, 2013 / 6:23 pm

          Wow, never thought of math in those terms…in those applications. Nautilus shell, huh?

          What a wonderful experience! Thank you for sharing it:) Isn’t it amazing that no matter how old we get there will always be special times/experiences like yours on the Waverley that remain as large as life and just as impressive no matter how many years have gone by.


  4. Kristi Campbell August 4, 2013 / 4:00 pm

    I totally knew it was you on the right. It was the hair. Having your health as number five is totally lucky and the perfect number. Love the rest of your list and how you used a small variety to show the impact and the difference but importance of books, movies and music! Awesome stuff.
    Hm to the photo – Roger, Scott, Clark, and Clark??


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 4, 2013 / 4:24 pm

      Really?! I think that needs a thank you =D
      That’s a relief Kristi…was thinking 5 was one of those lucky numbers.
      Thanks for the thumbs up today.

      Left to right, clark, scott, roger, clark!


  5. Kristi August 4, 2013 / 4:46 pm

    So glad you jumped in; I enjoy reading all the posts.

    Labs are great dogs. Drexel (my guide dog puppy in training) amuses me with his goofy personality and endears himself to me with his adoring gazes.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 4, 2013 / 6:16 pm

      Me too Kristi! Thanks for stopping by today:)
      Aren’t they the best?! Drexel…very cool name.


  6. Lizzi Rogers August 4, 2013 / 8:31 pm

    Gah! Only 4 nested comments? Booo hiss!

    YES nautilus shell, beauty and precision and math EVERYWHERE – available for the appreciation of even those who don’t know their 8 times table (wait, that’s just me?)

    If you want a more clarklike (I believe) approach to the wonder of number, try Alex Bellos’ ‘Alex’s Adventures in Numberland’.

    And yes – certain experiences in life transcend time with their wonder. I love that they do.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 4, 2013 / 9:25 pm

      How, my dear, do you maintain such eloquence in writing at what must be well after midnight your time?! You blow me away:) I love your way with words.

      I will certainly look for Mr. Bellos’ book. Thanks for the suggestion.

      Me to:)


      • Lizzi Rogers August 4, 2013 / 10:34 pm

        I run off at the mouth. Always been wordy, innit 😉

        The book is *lovely*


  7. christine August 4, 2013 / 10:39 pm

    Yaaaayyyy!!! I saw this on my phone earlier today, but couldn’t comment until I got home. I’m so glad you saw my hints scattered throughout the day. 🙂 Welcome to the group!!! (And you’re welcome.)

    I love your intro to your list. Sounds like a great group of friends (even if they are a bad influence, making you drive them to bad parts of town.) I have friends like that, too. The troublemaker group is always the most fun to be associated with.

    I don’t even like dogs all that much, but I do like a lab. Such good dogs. Your comment that she shouldn’t rush into a 2nd marriage cracked me up.

    Life would be so sad, sad, sad without books and music. Can’t say I have any desire to learn music theory, though. I just want to listen, sing badly, and dance. 🙂 Good for you for doing it, though. (And good luck to your different-personalitied teacher.)

    As I get older, I’m starting to wonder why I never watched Sex in the City. Probably had something to do with my husband refusing. Someday I’ll go back and watch them all. Maybe. Or, you could just put 6 minute clips into all of your posts so I can see the basic good parts over time?

    So, so, so glad you joined us this week. Hopefully we’ll see you back!


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 5, 2013 / 7:19 am

      Thank you Christine for those hints()
      Wanted to post on Saturday but got busy. I had to work yesterday but was determined to get a post out before I left. Who cares if I was 10 minutes late to work…I did it! Whew:) I do so enjoy all the different blogs. Wish I had more time to peruse. Right now I am so-o-o behind on my reading.

      Thank you. They were great friends but I’m not so sure they got into so much trouble before I joined the group. LOL Yes, labs are wonderful. They’re devoted and sweet and people loving for sure.

      Good for you! More of us need to sing badly and dance!

      Believe it or not my other half would watch it with me. Good show at the time. Hm….might have an idea there… There’s an old Girlie post from a coupla years ago titled “Tube tops, tattoos and the Edge of Oblivion” (or something like that!) where I used a SATC clip. Maybe it’s time to revisit New York City.

      “I’ll be back!”


  8. Dyanne @ I Want Backsies August 5, 2013 / 9:52 pm

    “It’s not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.”

    Is that what #1 refers to?


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 6, 2013 / 7:54 am

      Yes? Forgive my “denseness” this morning, but I believe that is what #1 is referring:)
      Thank you for visiting!


  9. Michelle Liew August 11, 2013 / 8:22 am

    With you, with you, Denise, on the music bit! We won’t be anywhere without it. Films keep me going too. Would spend the entire National Day Weekend here in Singapore writing otherwise…..ow!


  10. Another Clean Slate August 12, 2013 / 10:39 am

    I am definitely thankful for books- my escape! Hope you had a good weekend with lots of what you are thankful for 🙂


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 12, 2013 / 11:51 am

      Books and movies…my favorites escapes too!
      Thanks. You as well:)


  11. pictimilitude August 16, 2013 / 11:22 am

    Random question: are you still in northern Virginia? I’ve had fleeting thoughts of moving to Roanoke because they pay their teachers better…but I do love Asheville, lol


    • GirlieOnTheEdge August 16, 2013 / 7:39 pm

      Hi Cyndi! No. We moved from northern VA to FL in 2003. I can’t tell you much about Roanoke as I’ve never been to that part of the state. Are you familiar with the area, have you been there before? If salaries are higher there, I’m guessing they are rather low where you are? Hey…if you move to Roanoke and we move back to northern VA…. we will have to meet in person!

      *If it was up to me, teachers would be one of the highest paying professions!


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