Runnin’ Down a Dream…

Hello. Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge. It is a TTofThankful. So, how do you thank dead people? How do I thank Tom Petty. I don’t own Tom’s full catalog of music.  In fact, there’s a lot of his music I don’t know. What I do know, is that when my “significant other” musicians die, it’s like a part of me has died. Tom became part of me in the 80’s with Damn the Torpedos. Did he know what a strong conduit his music was for me? For you? It’s a physical thing. It’s an emotional thing. It’s a body thing. To this day.

Many of us have favorites musicians, songwriters. Some have significant impact, some are pleasant backdrops and some… are lifelong accoutrements we hope will always be there. They are people we fall in love with at particular times of our life. They are people we love forever, regardless of age, circumstance. Because they were always there for us. In happy times. Not happy times. When others in our lives disappeared, drifted away, these people, these artists, were/are always with us. They never fail us. They never leave us.

Today’s TToT is a little bit different. Tom is my first thankful. I’ve left the remaining numbers open. For you. Tell me some of your musical “significant others”, dead or alive, who have impacted your life. Who are your Toms, Johnnys, Davids, Maurices, Glenns… Tell me in your comment, I’ll write them in. And they don’t have to be dead ‘cuz really? the music never dies.

  1. Tom Petty
  2. Leon Russell, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Croce, Harry Chapin, John Lennon and more…thanks Rich!
  3. Whitney Houston, Frank Sinatra and Simon and Garfunkel…Thanks!
  4. Irish Rovers; Kingston Trio; Chad Mitchell Trio; Peter, Paul, and Mary. Thank you Kristi 🙂
  5. Glenn Miller (and all those Big Band greats!) Thank you Mimi 😀
  6. Cat Stevens courtesy of Josie!
  7. Bjork is the first of 3 from Kerry. The younger generation listens to Bjork!
  8. Cranberries
  9. Cher

14 thoughts on “Runnin’ Down a Dream…

  1. Sageleaf October 8, 2017 / 11:58 am

    I always loved Tom Petty. I was seventeen when I discovered, “You belong among the wildflowers” – that is the song he did that speaks the most to me. Without a doubt. And he was still young. :/
    Thank you for this tribute. I know that he understands the impact and influence he’s had. 🙂
    I’m always grateful to you and your beautiful writing, too. ❤


    • GirlieOnTheEdge October 8, 2017 / 3:07 pm

      It is a pretty song. Thank you for sharing your favorite 🙂
      Wonder what it’s like, looking down on everyone. Guess we’ll all have the answer to that some day.
      Thank you for stopping in Cyndi and always, always, thank you for your never ending support. ❤️


  2. Rich Rumple October 8, 2017 / 1:51 pm

    Tom Petty grew on me over the years. “Refugee” was a great song that we played on the air way too much during my radio disc jockey days. I always felt him wanting to be a “Rocker Bob Dylan”, as their deliveries had many similarities. Over the years, I went back and found I enjoyed his music more and more. He ended up becoming a master at his trade and never stopped experimenting with styles while maintaining his trademark sound. Now, he’s learning to fly. I wish him only the best. As far as others, there are way too many to even think about. Leon Russell, Joe Cocker, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Croce, Harry Chapin, John Lennon, George Harrison, Jim Capaldi, are just the tip of the iceberg, with so many following them, especially in recent years as age creeps up. Well done!


    • GirlieOnTheEdge October 8, 2017 / 3:14 pm

      Refuge is a great song! He definitely grows on you. I would agree that his songwriting was most excellent. His lyrics always storied and somehow had a natural kind of flow. I know what you mean. So many gone. Each passing of an artist from my era, your era, breaks my heart a little bit more.
      Thanks Rich!


  3. 15andmeowing October 8, 2017 / 9:28 pm

    Great idea. Tom Petty definitely makes my list ( I saw him in concert 3 times). Whitney Houston, Frank Sinatra and Simon and Garfunkel.


  4. Kristi October 8, 2017 / 9:32 pm

    I’m going to sound older than I am, but I love the music I heard played in my home growing up: The Irish Rovers; Kingston Trio; Chad Mitchell Trio; Peter, Paul, and Mary, to name a few.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge October 9, 2017 / 6:56 am

      Doesn’t age you one bit Kristi! I know those names lol. I too remember music my parents liked.
      btw, Peter, Paul and Mary was the first group to make me cry with Puff the Magic Dragon 🙂


  5. messymimi October 11, 2017 / 6:16 pm

    Glenn Miller and the musicians of the Big Band eras. To my ears they will always swing!


    • GirlieOnTheEdge October 11, 2017 / 7:51 pm

      Yes! Excellent:)
      My parents loved Glenn Miller,Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw…all those guys. Have to say, in the mood, I love their music too. (couldn’t resist lol)


  6. Josie Two Shoes October 12, 2017 / 3:18 pm

    I share your thoughts on the importance of these artists in our lives, especially when they were present during our coming-of-age years, and because of that connection continue to hold a place in our hearts and souls forever. So many favorites… Cat Stevens; Simon and Garfunkel; Joan Baez; Peter, Paul and Mary; John Denver; Janis Joplin; Seals and Crofts… and on, and on. And now my mind will be on flashback replay mode all day with the Golden Oldies. It is sad when they depart this earth, reminding us that we also are also rapidly joining the ranks of oldies. Beautiful post!! XO


    • GirlieOnTheEdge October 14, 2017 / 12:08 am

      Forever 🙂 Cat Stevens. Never fails to remind me of the movie Harold and Maude. A most excellent movie and soundtrack.
      Aagh! I don’t ever consider them golden oldies even though…they are! lol
      Thank you J!!


  7. herheadache October 12, 2017 / 9:24 pm

    The album (along with all the classics my father played as I grew up) album Heart of Stone by Cher. Also, Bjork is my pick because she is a misfit and not what most people would prefer, but to me she is brilliant and magic to listen to. The Cranberries helped me through hard times, when I was sick a lot and during my teen years.


    • GirlieOnTheEdge October 14, 2017 / 12:56 am

      Bjork is definitely unique. Always. I never listend to her music much when she first came out. I barely remember the Sugarcubes 😀
      That is all that matters. That an artist’s music is magic for us. Music entertains, heals, energizes, comforts, motivates, inspires us. Musicians, the music they create, are the friends that are always there for us no matter what 🙂

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